Why Is The Blank Canvas So Frightening?

Why Is The Blank Canvas So Frightening?

Admit it. You haven't started your blog yet. Is it because you are not sure what you are going to write? Maybe you have registered for hashnode or another blogging site, but your account sits empty. As you look into that blank empty page, it stares back at you. The white abyss.

Starting New Projects Are Hard

I used to think that finishing projects were hard (and sometimes I still do). But the more experience I gain, whether it be writing or developing, the more difficult it becomes to start something new. Once you have a little experience under your belt, and you are not jumping into fresh projects with ignorant bliss, it's easy to start to overthink things.

Will people like my content? Did I make mistake and people will laugh? Maybe someone will figure out that I am not good at this. I won't be good enough.

However, as Sandra Tsing Loh wrote, “When you face writer’s block, just lower your standards and keep going.”

It's tough to do, but simply accepting where you are at now, both as a writer and as a person, is a good way to get started. Besides, most of us don't expect technical blogs to be Shakespeare.

Why Do It?

If starting new content creation is so hard, why even bother doing it? Heck, who couldn't use an extra nap right now!

Because of the value in it.

The good thing about creating content (and teaching through it), is there is always value. Value to both you the creator and your audience, even if it is only your cat. (I had to bribe him even).


Value For you:

  • Solidify your ideas out loud
  • Increase your brand
  • Leave yourself a trail of breadcrumbs for next time you need to do the same task
  • Cats love it (the bribes anyways)

Value For them:

  • Free content (or maybe even paid content!)
  • Education
  • Entertainment (I did say some people may laugh at your content, hopefully at the cat jokes.. hint hint)
  • Supporting the larger community through advocacy
  • Inspiring People

Next Steps

Heck, if I can do it, so can you! I challenge you to start your first blog post today if you haven't already. Post a link below to your first blog post (even if it's not new). I want to know where you started and be inspired.